Learn technique for layout/wrapping of various resist shapes in a consistent thickness of fiber while simultaneously exploring extreme differential shrinkage through the integration of partial felt.
In addition to the resist shape, strategically varying the density of wool in specific areas and using directional fulling allows one to sculpt the surface plane of the form and to develop forms previously unimaginable. Participants will make partially felted sheets of fiber, raise a form from a 2D plane, and then develop concave and convex forms.
Proper fulling, the thickness of the vessel’s walls in relationship to its volume and the amount of and placement of denser areas of partial felt as structural support will determine the forms posture. Hand stitched structural ribbing, steam blocking and shellac stiffening can then be applied to refine the forms final presence.
Diesen Monat habt ihr die Chance, 3 x 2 Tageseintritte im Wert von je CHF 20.- zu gewinnen! Und wo führt euch das Abenteuer hin? Zur Kurs-Natur Publikums-Messe am 25. und 26. Januar 2025 im Stadtsaal von 9500 Wil SG! Auslosung Samstag, 18. Januar 2025
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